Open Source Textbook Key

There are patterns to the boxes that will be discovered throughout the reading of the open source textbook. Located in each of the boxes below is the key to what you will find in the boxes throughout.

Bolded Words are important terms or concepts.

Be on the lookout for embedded links.

Big Ideas and Big Questions

  • This box will give you the big ideas and big questions for the content you are      learning. These can be found at the beginning of each chapter.
                                           Reflections and Additional Resources
In this area, you will find places to stop and reflect. Found here you will also find additional resources to learn the content; this includes videos and simulations.


Vocabulary definitions


  • This will include examples of the content that is being discussed.

Teacher Talk

  • You will find how the content you are learning in class connects to the NGSS Standards throughout the grade bands ranging from Elementary to Middle School.
  • In this, you will also find lesson plans and ideas.


Resources will be located in these boxes.



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Elementary Science Methods Copyright © 2023 by Dr. Ted Neal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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