Section 1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior

While some parts of this module may seem self-explanatory, it is fascinating to think about the process that led to the study of organizational behavior. Every little detail about the way individuals, groups, and organizations operate has an influence on the culture and operations of an organization. Management theories played a huge role in establishing the foundation for organizational behavior and laid the groundwork for the way workplaces operate today.

Photograph of a man and a woman. The man is sitting on a couch, while the woman sits at a table. They are facing away from one another.Let’s look back at Manuel and Rachel from the beginning of the module. Manuel’s computer software sales company understands the importance of organizational behavior and has created a motivational and inclusive work environment. Their understanding of organizational behavior allows their company to excel in sales and reach high percentages of employee satisfaction. Rachel’s accounting firm on the other hand, has deadlines as their one and only priority. While it may be effective short-term, Rachel’s company will eventually suffer the effects of poor organizational behavior and will most likely suffer from high turnover and a loss of clients.

Discussing the history of organizational behavior is necessary to understand why there was a need for it in the first place. Just as importantly, the current trends and challenges facing organizational behavior today need to be examined. Now that you have a clear understanding of both the history and current challenges of organizational behavior, you are better equipped to deep-dive into the interworking of organizational behavior.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards understanding organizational behavior.  Let’s move on and deep-dive further into the details of organizational behavior!

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  • Putting It Together: Introduction to Organizational Behavior. Authored by: Freedom Learning Group. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
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