Section 13: Leadership

Why learn about good and poor leadership?

Is there someone in particular that pops into your head when someone mentions the term “leader”? Perhaps you think of someone like Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon and radically changed the way people shop today. Or maybe you think of someone like Oprah Winfrey, who after ending the well-known Oprah Winfrey Show moved on to found her own network. Or you might think of someone like Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s third CEO, who has started to move the company toward more cooperative work with its competitors and empowering its customers to achieve more.

Photograph of Jeff Bezos Photograph of Oprah Winfrey Photograph of Satya Nadella.

Amazing leaders have changed the world by sharing their visions, innovating and taking risks, encouraging and navigating change with their teams. But leaders don’t necessarily have to change the world. Leaders are just as effective when they’re changing an organization, changing a community, or just changing your day for the better.

The world is moving faster, and only the most nimble organizations survive. Those organizations that can provide their employees with motivation and engage them around a vision, innovate in a changing world and manage through that change are more likely to survive.  In order to stay ahead of the competition, they need good leaders to make those things happen.

Leaders really make a difference.

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  • Why It Matters: Leadership. Authored by: Freedom Learning Group. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
CC licensed content, Shared previously


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13.1 Why It Matters: Leadership Copyright © 2019 by Graduate Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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